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Special online seminar:- Philosophy of Language and Linguistics: Why are they different? Can they help each other?
- Xuhui Hu (胡旭辉) School of Foreign Languages,
- March 20, 2020 10:00 (Beijing time)
- Tencent meeting:
- Tencent Conference ID:905 091 186
- Abstract: The aim of this talk is to share with philosophers a linguist’s contemplation over the relationship between philosophy of language and linguistics. In this talk, I will firstly present the objective of modern linguistics by introducing some simple linguistic data to illustrate what is special about language. Based on this, I will provide a very sketchy introduction of Chomskyan linguistics which I hope can summarise what modern linguists (at least some of them) take as their tasks: to study the nature of language and even explore the cognitive mechanisms underlying languages. I will then turn to philosophy of language, arguing that philosophers are interested in language for at least two reasons: (a) language represents a picture of the world in which philosophers are interested; (b) the study of linguistic meaning and the creation of a new (formal) language can describe meaning in a precise/scientific way, hence eradicating confusions in philosophical inquiries that are often caused by ‘defective’ natural languages. In the second half of the talk, I will take two case studies, nominal structure (reference) and event structure, to discuss to what extent these two areas overlap and benefit each other, and at what level they differ from each other.- Short bio: 胡旭辉, 2015年获剑桥大学理论语言学博士,研究方向主要是句法理论、语用学、形态学。胡老师现为北京大学外国语学院外国语言学及应用语言学研究所助理教授、研究员,已在牛津大学出版社出版英文专著一部,在国内外期刊发表论文多篇,包括形式语言学顶级期刊Natural Language and Linguistic Theory,并有一篇论文近期被形式语言学公认第一的期刊Linguistic Inquiry 录用。

Past talks

- 时间: 3月27日(周三) 中午12:00-13:00
- 主题: 欲善其事,先利其器: 辅助研究的信息化工具介绍
- 地点: 哲学系 106
- 主讲人: 王彦晶
- 主要内容: 跟大家介绍一些文献搜索/整理/分析, 论文写作/报告/分享的一系列信息化工具, 希望对大家的科研有所帮助.
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- 时间: 4月10日(周三) 中午12:00-13:00
- 主题: 人情与礼制——以三年丧期的争论为例
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人: 孟庆楠
- 主要内容:儒家以礼来规范人伦生活的基本秩序与价值。同时,面对春秋战国之际礼废乐坏的危机,儒家也在不断反思礼得以确立的依据。这样的努力伴随着对“天经地义”与“人之常情”的探索。早期儒家围绕三年之丧的争论,即通过对三年丧期这样一个具体仪节的探讨,不断深化着对人情及其与礼法关系的认识。
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- 时间: 4月24日(周三) 中午12:10 (12点就可以来吃饭了)
- 主题: 思想实验与哲学理论建构:通过案例分析的简要展示
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人: 李麒麟
- 摘要:此次讲座将主要介绍思想试验在哲学(特别是分析哲学)当中的应用以及该方法对于推进哲学理论建构方面的意义与作用。思想试验作为哲学方法论意义上的重要工具,在本次讲座中主讲人会简要介绍和提及围绕该思想工具展开的相关理论争议(例如,知识论意义上对于思想试验能否提供先天知识、直觉的认知地位、心理学上框架效应、启动效应等对于思想试验的影响、实验哲学所揭示出的思想试验判断在文化、族群和性别差异,等等);但是,上述内容将不是此次讲座的重点。此次讲座主要内容是选取和组织知识论当中的一组盖梯尔案例作为思想试验的典型代表(当然,其中也包括一些经过主讲人改造而生成的准盖梯尔案例),展示伴随着相关案例的一层层展开,相关思想试验案例中的要素是如何推进知识论理论的理论建构的,并通过这种方式体现出在分析哲学理论探讨的实践操作过程中,思想试验在推进哲学理论逐步精细化的同时,是如何保持原初理论洞见的核心实质的。
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- 时间: 5月15日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30
- 主题: 闔閭的靈符 ——《太上靈寶五符序》所見的道教啟示敘事
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人: 程乐松
- 摘要:在歷史的超越性和啟示的神聖建構共同構成的雙重語境之中,道教經典一方面要遵循中國古典文化中的歷史意識及其內蘊的超越感,建立神聖啟示及文本的歷史性聯結;另一方面又要明確面向生命超越的技術價值,建構經典啟示的“真實性”,不得不將仙傳式的超越敘事融入到歷史記載之中,形成一種獨特的文體和寫作策略。道教研究並不是要論證其信仰的正確或錯誤,而是用必要的學術方法解析并建立道教文本及其觀念的分析框架。從大禹到吳王闔閭的天文,直至靈寶方與道法的敘事聯結,可以作為這一方法論進路的嘗試性例釋。
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- 时间: 5月29日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30
- 主题: 哲学家的健身选择: 让好身体配得上好头脑的经验分享
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人: 徐凤林(跑步) 朱效民(徒步)
- 徒步 :朱效民老师结合自己徒步健身的经历和实践,逐渐从竞争性、专业化、挑战式的徒步理念转到如今不随便挑身体战极限、不走专业化道路、徒步日常生活化的理念, 并提出三不、三随的组织模式:不用报名、不必联系、不见即散, 一切随性、随意、随缘。至今在国内外组织徒步300多次, 其中北京园林徒步(主要在圆明园、颐和园、香山、北京植物园、元大都遗址公园等)200多次。大道至简,我们随时在生活中、工作中快乐享受大自然,一步一世界,一步一天国。来者不拒,去者不追。随缘而行,自然自在。
- 跑步 : Slides

- 时间:6月5日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30
- 主题:如何写一封得体的信?——尺牍与书信
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人: 韩水法
- 主要内容:
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- 时间:10月5日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30
- 主题:科学抑或哲学?
- Science or Philosophy? -- A case study of the missing heritability problem
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人: 陆俏颖
- 主要内容:
Heritability estimates obtained in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are much lower than those of traditional quantitative methods. This has been called the “missing heritability problem”. By analyzing and comparing these two kinds of methods, we first show that the estimates obtained by traditional methods involve some terms that GWAS do not. Second, the estimates obtained by GWAS do not take into account epigenetic factors transmitted across generations, whilst they are included in the estimates of traditional quantitative methods. Once these two factors are taken into account, we show that the missing heritability problem can be largely dissolved.
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- 时间:11月5日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30
- 主题:现代数学与逻辑学中的公理—符号化方法———从欧氏几何谈起
- The Axiomatic-Symbolic Method in Modern Mathematics and Logic - A Discussion from Euclidean Geometry
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人:钟盛阳
- 主要内容:
According to the existing literature, Euclidean geometry is the first theory in mathematics developed using the axiomatic method. It is also the paradigm of the axiomatic method and even of mathematical theories.
With this theory as a concrete example, in this talk I will discuss methods and other related issues in developing theories in mathematics, theories in logic and other abstract theories (including theories in philosophy). In particular, this talk will be about the motivation, consequences, advantages and applications of the axiomatic-symbolic method which is widely used in modern mathematics and logic. If time permits, some problems springing from the axiomatic-symbolic method will be discussed. These include the object of study in logic, the structure of a theory in logic, the influence of modern logic on philosophy, the role of mathematics in describing nature, axiomatization of physics and quantum logic.
Mathematicians and logicians use a lot of symbols, partly because most of the theories in their research are developed using the axiomatic-symbolic method. The motivation behind this method is just to express as clearly as possible what is possible to be clearly expressed. To convey this point, in this talk I will try to explain: First, in order to clarify the initial (fundamental) concepts in a theory so that discussions involving them make sense, the axiomatic method is a natural (even the unique) choice. Second, in an axiomatized theory, terms that refer to initial (fundamental) concepts may inevitably become just symbols that have different interpretations in different contexts.
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- 时间:11月13日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人:Shuchen Xiang
- 主要内容:
This paper argues that the racism which governed European colonialism (i.e. since Columbus’ “discovery” of the “New World”) shares many similarities with the characteristics that A. O. Lovejoy discussed with regard to the Great Chain of Being in his classic, The Great Chain of Being. Under this racial worldview, difference is not understood as emergent but as ontological, this ontological difference is parsed hierarchically, and the only relationship which exists among the different ranks of difference is domination. This paper will use representative examples from European racism and colonialism, most notably the European colonisation of the Americas, to substantiate these parallels. Through the works of James Baldwin, William James and the Mary Douglas, this paper ends with a critique of the epistemological errors implicit in the ontologising and hierarchising of difference and the moral failures attendant upon these epistemological errors. These epistemological and moral failings, it is argued, are attributable a fatalism that sees no human agency in ordering the world and a failure of nerve in being responsible for the order that we do create.

- 时间:11月27日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30
- 主题: Intuitive Skill
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人:Sebastian Sunday
- 主要内容:
I shall present the outlines of a philosophical account of the nature, and epistemic value, of intuitive skill. I argue that intuitive skill must be understood as a broad category typically including, besides what is often called ‘intuitive expertise’ (that is, a high level of ability at getting things right, and not wrong, intuitively), an element that might be called ‘sceptical skill’ (that is, a high level of ability at detecting instances of getting things wrong intuitively so as to avoid forming incorrect intuitive judgements). I will discuss a range of interesting puzzles and illusions, and I will offer a brief review of relevant work in psychology (including sport and performance psychology). I will conclude by explaining, on the basis of my account, the importance of philosophy for high-level performance and innovation in sport and science—and two ways of becoming a great philosopher.
- Slides

- 时间:12月11日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30
- 主题: Love, Death, Grief
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人: Julius Schönherr
- 主要内容:
Recent years have seen a surge in philosophical work on the rationality of grief. Much of this research is premised on the idea that people tend to grieve much less than would be appropriate or, as it is often called, fitting. Strikingly, although grieving feels bad, many argue that it would in some sense be better if we felt more rather than less of it. In this talk, I will argue that this assumption is largely mistaken: people tend not to grieve much less than would be fitting. In the first part of the talk, I will show that there are two, often conflated, problems of fitting grief: one metaphysical, the other psychological. According to the metaphysical problem, grief is rationalized entirely by facts about the past. And because the past is unchangeable, grief is often said to remain forever fitting. According to the psychological problem, humans’ emotional resilience causes grief to diminish at a faster rate than would be fitting. In the second part of the paper, I will address these problems. The metaphysical problem can be debunked, the psychological problem deflated.
- Slides

- 时间:12月18日(周三) 中午12:10-13:30
- 主题: Truthmaker-conditions and Inquiry: Some Modesty and Impossibility
- 地点: 哲学系 B114
- 主讲人: Arthur Schipper
- 主要内容:
It is often assumed by those who use the language of ‘making true’ that whatever role truthmaker theory has to play in inquiry is subsumed by the role that truth-conditions play in inquiry. I shall argue that this is mistaken by (1) distinguishing truth-conditions from truthmakers and from truthmaker-conditions; and (2) sketching an alternative conception of inquiry which puts a central focus on truthmaker-conditions rather than truth-conditions. This type of inquiry allows for a very congenial fineness of grain and precision. For a truthbearer’s truthmaker-conditions should be understood in a novel way: in terms of its exact-aboutness conditions, and thereby the truthbearer’s possible and impossible intentional objects, rather than merely the truthbearer’s possible truthmakers, which is more common. The main task of this paper, then, is to use (1) and (2) to argue that inquiry based on truthmaker-conditions understood in terms of exact-aboutness is sui generis and useful.
In §1, I present the novel truthmaker-conditions-based two-step conception of inquiry. In §2, truthmaker-conditions are defined and then distinguished from truth-conditions, both of which are also distinguished from truthmakers. Finally, in §3, I argue against the orthodox view that understanding a claim’s truthmakers requires knowing the nature of its truthmakers.

- 时间:3月20日(周五) 上午10:0-12:00
- 主题: Philosophy of Language and Linguistics: Why are they different?Can they help each other?
- 地点: 腾讯会议(线上)
- 主讲人: Xuhui Hu(胡旭辉)
- 主要内容:
The aim of this talk is to share with philosophers a linguist’s contemplation over the relationship between philosophy of language and linguistics. In this talk, I will firstly present the objective of modern linguistics by introducing some simple linguistic data to illustrate what is special about language. Based on this, I will provide a very sketchy introduction of Chomskyan linguistics which I hope can summarise what modern linguists (at least some of them) take as their tasks: to study the nature of language and even explore the cognitive mechanisms underlying languages. I will then turn to philosophy of language, arguing that philosophers are interested in language for at least two reasons: (a) language represents a picture of the world in which philosophers are interested; (b) the study of linguistic meaning and the creation of a new (formal) language can describe meaning in a precise/scientific way, hence eradicating confusions in philosophical inquiries that are often caused by ‘defective’ natural languages. In the second half of the talk, I will take two case studies, nominal structure (reference) and event structure, to discuss to what extent these two areas overlap and benefit each other, and at what level they differ from each other.
- Short bio: 胡旭辉, 2015年获剑桥大学理论语言学博士,研究方向主要是句法理论、语用学、形态学。胡老师现为北京大学外国语学院外国语言学及应用语言学研究所助理教授、研究员,已在牛津大学出版社出版英文专著一部,在国内外期刊发表论文多篇,包括形式语言学顶级期刊Natural Language and Linguistic Theory,并有一篇论文近期被形式语言学公认第一的期刊Linguistic Inquiry 录用。
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** Truthmaker-conditions and Inquiry: Some Modesty and Impossibility**Arthur Schipper12月18日(星期三)
哲学系 B114



Next Talk

Philosophy of Language and Linguistics:
Why are they different? Can they help each other?
Xuhui Hu (胡旭辉 北大外院)3月20日(星期五)
10:00 北京时间
或者在腾讯会议软件中输入会议 ID:905 091 186摘要